Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 2: The Excrement Hits the Air Circulation Appliance

I don't have a lecture for today.

Lemme repeat that: I don't have a lecture ready for my class in less than 3 hours. And I ain't makin' one.

My personal goal for this term is to not lecture more than 10 minutes in a class. 

So today is the Real First Day of active learning pedagogy. First, they will take a 3-question quiz at the start. Each person gets a quiz form with 8 versions of the quiz questions lettered A-H. There are 16 D-shaped tables with 8 chairs in this room. So I'm putting up a generic table map giving each seat position a number. Each seat number will have specific quiz questions to answer:

After I shot all my copies I realized that it would be easier if I had lettered each seat in order to match the quiz questions. I'm a #@^&!ing genius. 

Of course I'll explain that no two people at a table should be answering the same question. Here's the quiz, by the way (link). Not the beefiest thing in the universe, but the point is to drive them to do the readings. They also have to tell me the length of their pace in feet.

After the quiz, we start a participatory mapping activity. They have to figure out where on campus they start and end their day (a typical Tuesday), and where they go on campus. Then I send them off to pace it out, add up their walking and convert it to miles.

The purpose of this activity is to get them thinking about maps, and interacting with maps. Kind of funny that we built them a million dollar classroom and today they're going to spend most of their time outside. It's nice out right now though.

I would like to assign each table a number, but I have pretty much zero confidence in my ability to remember where I decided they would be. What a slacker I am!

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